
Policy Pledges


General Election 2024

Leicester deserves BETTER

What is important to you is important to me.

I will speak truth to power and fight for your interests.

Note that the policies have been split into two sections, ‘Main policies’ and ‘Other policies’.

This is based on discussion and a prioritisation exercise with Shockat following feedback from constituents.

Main Policies

Protect Our NHS

The previous government has failed to adequately address the challenges facing Leicester’s healthcare.

Funding cuts are stopping you from accessing your local GP – government data shows that our residents have a significantly higher patient-to-GP ratio compared to the national average (1-to-2,091 locally vs 1-to-1,700 nationally).

My promise to you:
  • I pledge to modernise and strengthen the NHS in Leicester by advocating for online appointment systems and a same-day callback service to make GP access easier, ensuring timely patient care.
  • I will fight to secure additional funding for hospitals, maintain free healthcare services, and implement virtual wards to improve at-home care with central government.
  • I will ensure increased funding for NHS dental care, providing more appointments and improving access to dental services for all constituents. By enhancing community care and better integrating primary care services like pharmacies, opticians and dental practices, we can alleviate pressure on GPs and hospitals.
  • I am committed to advocating for these reforms to ensure a robust and accessible NHS for all.
Stand for Global Peace and Justice

As a genocide is being committed in Gaza, according to all human rights observers, many have expressed feeling betrayed and ignored on this matter.

It is a stark contrast to the values and sentiments if the good people of Leicester South.

My promise to you:
  • I will champion Leicester’s values of global peace and justice, which have been neglected by the current government. Our constituency MP refused to vote for a ceasefire to end the bloodshed in Gaza, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands of innocent civilians.
  • I will also focus on other areas of conflict, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ukraine, and Sudan, advocating for proactive and ethical foreign policies that prioritise peace, protect innocent lives, and work towards ending conflicts through diplomatic means.
  • I will ensure that refugees and asylum seekers are treated with dignity and compassion, providing them with the support and resources needed to become vibrant, contributing members of our community.
  • I will advocate for freedom of speech, uphold democratic values, support the right to peaceful protest, and critically assess institutional programs like Prevent.
  • I will make commitments to build strong community bonds whereby international events do not affect local community cohesion.
Champion Affordable Housing

Leicester families are struggling with the rising cost of living, exacerbated by government inaction.

Total energy debt across the country sits at close to £3bn, and this is felt more acutely in Leicester South where we have a significantly higher level of deprivation than both the City as a whole, and the country. Leicester South has a significantly higher level of deprivation than both the City as a whole, and the country.

My promise to you:
  • I will fight for a discounted energy social tariff for vulnerable households and inflation-matching pay increases in the public sector.
  • I will campaign for the writing off energy debt for the most vulnerable – if we can bail out banks and pay bankers bonuses while energy firms make billions, we can support our citizens in need.
  • Additionally, I will fight to abolish the discriminatory two-child benefit cap
  • I will campaign for a comprehensive review of the food and farming industries to prevent exploitative supermarket pricing practices.
  • To fund all of this, I will fight to introduce a windfall tax on energy companies, which will also support free impartial debt advice services.
Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis

Leicester families are struggling with the rising cost of living, exacerbated by government inaction.

Total energy debt across the country sits at close to £3bn, and this is felt more acutely in Leicester South where we have a significantly higher level of deprivation than both the City as a whole, and the country. Leicester South has a significantly higher level of deprivation than both the City as a whole, and the country.

My promise to you:
  • I will fight for a discounted energy social tariff for vulnerable households and inflationmatching pay increases in the public sector.
  • I will campaign for the writing off energy debt for the most vulnerable – if we can bail out banks and pay bankers bonuses while energy firms make billions, we can support our citizens in need.
  • Additionally, I will fight to abolish the discriminatory two-child benefit cap.
  • I will campaign for a comprehensive review of the food and farming industries to prevent exploitative supermarket pricing practices.
  • To fund all of this, I will fight to introduce a windfall tax on energy companies, which will also support free impartial debt advice services.
Strengthen Public Services

Previous neglect has left our public services struggling.

Following years of political infighting and financial mismanagement, Leicester City Council now stands on the brink of effective bankruptcy.

My promise to you:
  • I will prioritise responsible budgeting and fiscal management to ensure that taxpayer funds are allocated efficiently and effectively to our public services.
  • I will advocate for increased investment from Westminster in our schools, support for teachers, and resources to meet the diverse needs of our students.
  • I will push for investment from Westminster in public transportation infrastructure and initiatives to reduce congestion and improve air quality.
  • I will foster meaningful engagement with residents to ensure that public services reflect the priorities and aspirations of our diverse community.
Invest in Safety

Leicester deserves better than the neglect it has received on crime reduction.

In March 2024, our constituency had the sixth-highest level of crime out of all constituencies in the country.

My promise to you:
  • I will champion greater investment in crime reduction programs such as increasing the visibility of local police and community support officers to keep our neighbourhoods safe and secure.
  • I will collaborate with educational institutions and local organisations to provide mentorship and develop targeted interventions for youth at risk of engaging in criminal behaviour.
  • I will ensure the use of surveillance technology respects privacy and civil rights whilst providing efficient monitoring and swift responses to incidents.

Other Policies

Strengthen Public Services

Previous neglect has left our public services struggling.

Following years of political infighting and financial mismanagement, Leicester City Council now stands on the brink of effective bankruptcy.

My promise to you:
  • I will prioritise responsible budgeting and fiscal management to ensure that taxpayer funds are allocated efficiently and effectively to our public services.
  • I will advocate for increased investment from Westminster in our schools, support for teachers, and resources to meet the diverse needs of our students.
  • I will push for investment from Westminster in public transportation infrastructure and initiatives to reduce congestion and improve air quality.
  • I will foster meaningful engagement with residents to ensure that public services reflect the priorities and aspirations of our diverse community.
Invest in Safety

Leicester deserves better than the neglect it has received on crime reduction.

In March 2024, our constituency had the sixth-highest level of crime out of all constituencies in the country.

My promise to you:
  • I will champion greater investment in crime reduction programs such as increasing the visibility of local police and community support officers to keep our neighbourhoods safe and secure.
  • I will collaborate with educational institutions and local organisations to provide mentorship and develop targeted interventions for youth at risk of engaging in criminal behaviour.
  • I will ensure the use of surveillance technology respects privacy and civil rights whilst providing efficient monitoring and swift responses to incidents.
Address Climate Change

Despite the urgency, past MPs have failed to act decisively on climate change.

Flooding in the City caused disruption for both families and businesses, and NHS figures show that just over 50 excess deaths occurred during the heatwave periods in recent years

My promise to you:
  • I will collaborate with local and national partners to develop local renewable energy projects.
  • I will promote initiatives that will boost new job opportunities in sustainable industries, coupled with training programs to equip the workforce with necessary skills.
  • I will enhance public transport and infrastructure to support cycling and electric vehicles and subsidising bus & train fares, reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality.
  • I will advocate for the Plastic Pollution Global Treaty
  • I will promote energy efficiency in homes and businesses through grants and incentives, reducing energy consumption and costs.
Build Vibrant Communities

Leicester’s potential has been hindered by a lack of community development.

Previous MPs have failed to tackle the significant concentrations of deprivation and NEET rates in Leicester (5% vs. England which has 3%).

My promise to you:
  • I will work with our local businesses and universities to make Leicester a hub of innovation which highlights pathways into employment into higher-paying sectors.
  • I am committed to championing and re-invigorating key local sectors such as Textiles, Manufacturing and Retail, creating further job opportunities and raising standards of living.
  • I will champion a Made in Leicester campaign to promote local products and businesses, boosting the local economy and fostering a sense of pride in our community.
  • I will refresh the approach to international branding, marketing and attracting inward investment, working with our universities and key stakeholders to improve our culture of business innovation.

Our youth face multiple challenges that hinder their development and well-being.

There is a shortage of mentoring services, leaving many young individuals without the guidance and support they need to pursue their aspirations.

Limited education options and a low-wage low-skill economy have made it difficult for young people to identify a pathway into employment.

My promise to you:
  • I will work towards developing initiatives and programmes that assist young people to develop their skills and access opportunities into employment or further education.
  • Signposting and mentoring services will be championed and linked to education and apprenticeship providers, equipping our youth with greater life skills.
  • I will develop targeted intervention programmes for youth at risk of engaging in criminal behaviour and increase outreach programmes through schools to raise awareness around the dangers of knife crime.
  • I will identify support and initiatives that enhance opportunities for young people to succeed in life choices and reduce probability of entering crime.
  • I will collaborate with the city council to improve services to ensure children with disabilities and special needs can access essential care.

Leicester deserves better than the neglect it has received on crime reduction.

In March 2024, our constituency had the sixth-highest level of crime out of all constituencies in the country.

My promise to you:
  • I will work towards developing initiatives and programmes that assist young people to develop their skills and access opportunities into employment or further education.
  • Signposting and mentoring services will be enhanced and linked to education and apprenticeship providers to allow young people to access a range of options.
  • In line with our crime policy, I will develop targeted intervention programmes for youth at risk of engaging in criminal behaviour and increase outreach programmes through schools to raise awareness around the dangers of knife crime.
  • I will collaborate with the city council to improve children’s services and ensure the city’s vulnerable and children in need have adequate access to essential services and care.